Tuesday, October 25, 2011

realizing my homesickness

when i first entered the doorways to knutson, i remember finally i was able to leave home and froget everything i did back in my home town and have a fresh new beginning. After months of football torture and dealing with everyday problems like homework, washing my clothes, talking to teachers about my grades, i soon finally realized i had missed home more then i thought. When first moving out i never thought i would be this homesick that bad, but dealing with everything and not being able to do the things i loved growing up in a small community, i guess can say it all finally caught up with me and made me miss home more then ever before. I would always tell everbody back home that im not going to miss any of them and that i would do fine on my own, well i could do fine on my own its just hard to realize that the everyday things i used to do isnt possible unless i move back home. I never regret coming over here, this school maybe me more mentally prepared and pyscially prepared then i ever was staying back home and not experiencing all the wild and crazy that i would never had thought would happen to me without coming to this university and having a first hand experience myself. In my hometown i was the only boy to actually get out of bishop and move to another city, and i was the first guy in my school in years to play college footbal (since we hardly had any talent come out of a town of only 3,400). I maybe be transfering schools and getting out of here, but my passion for football is still contiuning at a bigger and more intense level that i would enjoy to experience first hand. Everytime i go back home people are always talking to my asking how im doing over here and am i ever going to come back home and play for the local university? its always the same answer of cours," i dont know yet, i might be getting to old for this".
Moving back might be the hardest thing for me making all these new and unique experience with people i would probably stay friends with til i graduate hopefully, so this wasnt a waste of a semester, it was a fresh start to a new beginning.

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