Tuesday, November 15, 2011

social media impacts on students

People always think when they have a new notification on Facebook for a friend request or check their twitter account see how many people are following them, also presume that there actual friends and always try to chat with them to start talking to them or get to know them. These Social Media take talking to people in a whole new direction, and make it easier to communicate to people from a computer screen or phone screen distance, instead of meeting them in person and just basing them on their profile pictures and photo’s on these sites. More and more people rely on these websites to start relationships and make new friends, yeah its okay to do these things not knowing the consequences of not knowing someone and just seeing their profile think their pretty cool, but it’s a risk that most people take as well. In college, most students will meet people, add them on Facebook and think there friends and stuff, well being a Facebook friend or a Twitter follower doesn’t really mean anything only that you added them and that’s it. These websites can be dangerous, but there mostly dangerous for college students trying to do work or study for a big test the next day. Social media websites and technology are benefits to our lives, but are major distractions as well that keep us away from the more important things that we have to get done instead of loading Youtube videos or updating my Twitter every 5 minutes. The time we use on such websites or on our phone add up and we spend more time all these things that could be used towards a greater purpose instead for our own pleasure or use these as a getaway from life’s real problems. People are on these websites 24/7 and affects many students needing to study for a big test or do a project the next get distracted and look on facebook every 5 minutes. Like me i check facebook daily, its just a habit many cant stop and got hooked on already, but there are ways to stop it but its up to you how mentally strong you are to not check your social media sites and keep your head in the books instead of in the computer screen.

football is finally over

well its been a long grueling season, but football is finally over and im so relieved i have so much extra time to myself! i never thought i would feel so happy having football season be over, but i need a break for once and with all this free time i could finally catch up on sleep and raise my grades after having them pretty low trying to juggle around football and academics. football was a long grueling process that challenged us mentally and pysically from day one all the way to the very end which was hard to see after going through all the pain and suffering for a couple months of football we all looked forward too. But like everything else in this world, it has to come to an end sooner or later and cant last forever. But this experience has taught me that nobody what comes in your way, just keep on going and dont look back. these last couple of months were probably some of the most pain enduring, mentally straining times i ever experience, but just going through everything and seeing what college football players go through just to have a couple months of playing is pretty unbelievable to me knowing that put in all that time and effort to succeed in one sport that is more than just a game to most people. I know im transferring and its not going to be the same anywhere else, but this experience its self has taught me so much and made me a better person mentally and pysically, and i think i could take any challenge or obstacle that comes my way after going through this experience.
Football is going to be tough anywhere anybody goes, like me after the first day i felt like giving up thinking i couldnt get through the two weeks of bootcamp that forced many guys to quit not being able to handle it all. I got through everything knowing that its only a couple of weeks of pain you have to endure until schoot starts and football practice starts as well. Well football was fun but now to move on to the next and see what oppurtunities come my way.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

realizing my homesickness

when i first entered the doorways to knutson, i remember finally i was able to leave home and froget everything i did back in my home town and have a fresh new beginning. After months of football torture and dealing with everyday problems like homework, washing my clothes, talking to teachers about my grades, i soon finally realized i had missed home more then i thought. When first moving out i never thought i would be this homesick that bad, but dealing with everything and not being able to do the things i loved growing up in a small community, i guess can say it all finally caught up with me and made me miss home more then ever before. I would always tell everbody back home that im not going to miss any of them and that i would do fine on my own, well i could do fine on my own its just hard to realize that the everyday things i used to do isnt possible unless i move back home. I never regret coming over here, this school maybe me more mentally prepared and pyscially prepared then i ever was staying back home and not experiencing all the wild and crazy that i would never had thought would happen to me without coming to this university and having a first hand experience myself. In my hometown i was the only boy to actually get out of bishop and move to another city, and i was the first guy in my school in years to play college footbal (since we hardly had any talent come out of a town of only 3,400). I maybe be transfering schools and getting out of here, but my passion for football is still contiuning at a bigger and more intense level that i would enjoy to experience first hand. Everytime i go back home people are always talking to my asking how im doing over here and am i ever going to come back home and play for the local university? its always the same answer of cours," i dont know yet, i might be getting to old for this".
Moving back might be the hardest thing for me making all these new and unique experience with people i would probably stay friends with til i graduate hopefully, so this wasnt a waste of a semester, it was a fresh start to a new beginning.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Going back home

Going back home this weekend made me realize how much i missed everybody and the community so much. I hate to say it but im actually getting home sick from thinking about leaving home on the days i have to go back to Texas Lutheran to go to class.When i left wednesday evening after football practice i felt like a huge wait has been lifted off my shoulders and that now its time to have a worry free time without worrying about homework,school, practice and many more distractions.The first day i got there i literally just slept all day to catch up on my beauty sleep of course, next i just relaxed with my old friends and family and talked about the most random things. Friday night i went to watch my little cousin play with my old high school (of course they lost but thats not the point) and reconnected with alot of my old high school friends and close family friends i havent seen in months. It felt good to tell them i was actually going somewhere to do something i love and everybody was cheering for me to go to kingsville to play for the javelinas, but i just told them," dont worry i'll see about going there next year". on the last couple of days i was there i hung out with my older brother and went fishing in the night time and had a really good time, but recounting on these memories make me think of going home so bad to do the things i love and hang around the people i trust. Its fun going back home, but reality settles back in as usual and tells me i have more important things to do now like concentrate on football and academics for i could hopefully be something successful in the future. Ending on this last note, i've been through alot to get here and letting these get in my head are just holding me back from the things i need to get accomplished. Yeah college is hard but hey!! nobody ever said we were just going to walk through one door and get our college degree through the next. So see yal next week and hope yal are keeping up with my blog and keep your heads high for those of yal who go to college, you only have a rough 4 years left to graduate hopefully for some.

Monday, October 10, 2011

what it means for me to come to TLU

Living in a small town has its downsides and perks. Knowing that I never have to worry about traffic or knowing anybody is a plus, but everybody knowing everybody gets kind of annoying after awhile and see the same people and things everyday is pretty boring of course. In a town of 3,400 knowing everybody isn’t a big deal, but living in a small town isn’t the life style I wanted to live all my life. Getting out of my hometown is something few people in my high school actually don’t accomplish(which is sad to say). Me playing sports and going to college is something I enjoy and knowing that not many people from my old high school don’t have the chance to do that makes me feel even better getting out of that god forsaken place. I miss everybody, But coming to TLU is an experience I’ve been awaiting for and hopefully the upcoming year is something I wont ever forget.Playing football at the college level is something I never thought would happened after tearing my acl my junior year. Football hasn’t always been my passion, coming from a small town I played every sport there knowing it will just get me better and keep me active. During my junior year of football, I was getting calls from schools all over the country wanting to look at me for football(which was a big deal knowing hardly anybody in my hometown went anywhere for football). I had busted my butt that summer and was in the best shape of my life, but after a serious injury during football practice, I had to work 10 times harder to come back and help my team my senior year. TLU of course wasn’t my first choice, but after visiting the coaching staff and the people here I figured it would be the best choice to come here and try it out for a year to see how I like it. And so far I don’t regret my decision to come here knowing I make new experience’s everyday and go to a great school as well.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

feeling the stress of college

After being in college for over a month and a half the stress of college work and playing football for Texas Lutheran University is starting to be overwhelming and hard to manage now. College life is fun and i enjoy every minute of it but know work is starting to catch up with me, now i have to be on the top of my game and try to finish everything on time for i dont have to lose any points on my papers. But what can i say nobody ever said it was going to be easy of course. College is pretty easy if you manage everything, but if your a slacker (like me) college just gets more and more diffucult everyday you encounter the classroom work and dont get any of it at all. Living here in the dorms is not helping much at all, knowing you dont have anybody to push you through your homework or have your parents yelling and screaming at you too finish or you cant go out or cant watch television for a week or some type of punishment that your parents can put on you. But it's also kind of nice knowing your on your own and you could do whatever you want but your stress levels go way up if you dont take care of everything on time, luckily i've been keeping up with all my school work (except biological systems, it's killing me right not!) and with football pretty well. My stress has been building up nearly everyday i go to class, knowing i have a ton of homework to do and also have to deal with sports but at the end i would hope all the hardwork and effort i put into everything pays off in the end, because working this hard and spending so much time doing as much as you can to get everything accomplished would pay off after i graduate. College is a stressful environment filled with tough times and piles on piles of homework, but just think about how this would affect you in the long run and remember never to give up and just keep on going til you cant go anymore. well this what i think about how stressful college is and i know everybody doesnt agree with me, but i never said everybody would agree. So until next im out and have to finish all my homework as usual.

Friday, September 23, 2011

wow finally i realize what my parents go through!

lately, i've been feeling lazy and been sleeping way more then the usual college student most likely. When a day goes by of college, another day goes by with more homework and football practice(which has been draining practically all the life force i have inside of me) which makes my weeks feel longer than ever before. Back in high school, classes used to go by so fast that once i said an occasional "hi" to someone it was already time for me too leave. well now i have only 4 classes at the most and i feel like that is taking forever, even tho thats about 2 hours less of classes then i had before! I swear im starting to be like my parents now, knowing that all i wanna do when i get to my room is go to sleep or watch tv for the most part im starting to realize what my parent go through on a daily basis when they get back from work and dont want to talk to anyone,start arguing or anything and all they wanna do is shower up and go to sleep for the next day of work. Im starting to appreciation what my parents go through(even though it took me 18 years to finally realize that) they work so hard and go through alot of crap at work just to support us and the family. After experiencing this first hand, i have more respect for my parents and everybody else around me that i never had respect for before. I guess im starting to grow up a little bit everyday, finally realizing what my parents do and noticing why my dad starts yelling at me when i say "how was work" or anything, not knowing that they probably had a long day of work and thats the last thing they wanna talk about when they get home. Now since its the weekend, like any normal person all i wanna do is relax and enjoy my weekend until i so called get back to practice and school , aka WORK. So leaving off on a good note, hope everybody enjoys the weekend as much as im going to enjoy it and rememeber, start appreciating your parents more when you see them come back from work , so dont yell at them or start arguing cause you need money just let them relax and enjoy the couple hours rest they have , like anybody else would want.

Monday, September 19, 2011

the flaws of college

College is suppossed to be the greatest time of your life, where there's a new adventure everyday and the possibilities are limitless. But sometimes it makes me think did i make the right decision leaving home were my family and friends are? or did i make the right decision by moving on to bigger and better oppurtunities that await me in every corner. Well coming back from home this weekend made me think alot about' what if
's '. like what if i didnt move? what if i would of went to school in kingsville, where the rest of my class went? what if i didnt play sports in college? The things go running through my head like crazy lately but its probably for the best that i moved here. Other flaws about college is the abundant amount of homework and reading we deal with on a weekly bases that is hard to overcome, but you just got to manage your time and ACTUALLY DO YOUR HOMEWORK TO GET IT DONE! Another flaw i would say is you cant rely on anbody else to help you, your now a responsible grown-up suprissingly and have to do everything on your own withoout your mom or dad yelling at you to do this and that, while you tell them," i do it when i have a chance". when in other words you just tell them." ill just leave there until they come up too me or they do it themselves. College is actually the greatest experience i ever had, but you got to be aware of these flaws and fix them to make your college life alot easier and too get stuff done, because you dont have a maid or anything to come clean after you or do your homework( that would actually be great to have a maid do all that, ill probably check on craigslist later to see if they have one) there are many more flaws out there that i didnt mention, but these are the many ones that i think would affect almost every college student here i would think. Oh! and i frogot to add that you cant always rely on your mommy or dad for money now( even though i still rely heavily on mine) your going to have to act like a grown-up and actually get a job, i know its hard for most of us but it takes alot of stress off our parents knowing we could support ourselves. Well this is my blog for the week, well come back and see some more next week.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

man what a week!

Waking up in the morning used to be one of the toughest things for me to do back in high school, being lazy as i am i feel like a bear in hibernation when i wake up and if anybody would wake me up i would attack like one! well not really but i would be really mad and occasionally start throwing things.But getting to my point, waking up is not a big deal compared to mountains of work and study i have to bear to keep my grades up and keep my self eligible for football especially.studying has always been a hard part for me especially since its hard for me to concentrate for long times and i usually get distracted by the smallest things which eventually throw me off my concentration resulting in unfinished studying. But besides talking about studying(which i should really stop talking about since i have to deal with it 24/7) college life has so far been an experience which was worth the money and sacrifices i took just coming here to pursue my education and make myself a better person than ever before.Like Friday evening, just got out of class with nothing to do and everybody away to either watch there teams play or just to go home to enjoy the comfort of having family memebers around them i decided to head out to the Comal River (which i have been talking about going to before i ever even thought about going to Texas Lutheran since the river was a beautiful, relaxing area which is not reduced to a flowing trash can, no literally but almost there) with a couple of friends and turned out to be the highlight of the week.First getting there i thought it was closed so i went to check the front desk to find out it was just emptied so we paid the cashier and rushed to the river with absolutely nobody there. well i was so excited i didnt notice my friends avoiding the steps going into the river, so like a little kid i ran in there and just feel the heels of my feet leave the ground, and you hear me," OH DANG", and fall right on my butt and slip right into the water! Great laughter surrounded my hearing as i see my friends cracking up and pointing at me laughing and the embarrassement i just endored at that moment i felt like the kid getting panced in the playing ground or something. well moving on with my head held high and my butt in sharp pain we journeyed down the river enjoying our day off of practice, which is hard to come by now a days. My day was filled with embarassement but as well with fun and relaxation, cause nothing at that moment was more relaxing then chilling with friends and enjoying the nice, beautiful day in the river the day we went on couldnt be any better. Well ending on a good note, life is'nt perfect so slipping on my butt in front of everybody shows even the most perfect guys can look silly, just kidding of course. I didnt think this assignment would be this much fun, but now getting into the writing and looking back at the times i endured i feel like this is going to be good year not just for school but blogging as well.

jason gaona,

Sunday, September 4, 2011

college life a struggle or a oppurtunity?

well most people in my opinion would say that college life is too much of a hassle to deal with especially if you play sports, in band or any other extracurricular activity that has something to do outside of school, but i would say other wise.
Moving to Seguin, Texas a couple of weeks ago was a big transition from a population of only 3,500 to a town of atleast 25,000 with major cities close by with so much things too do i couldnt imagine doing half the things i've done now then i ever could of thought of doing back home. But having fun is only the half of it, juggling around school and sports is so dificult its hard to imagine how any college athletes could do all this at once and still graduate in 4 years. Well so far im loving every single moment of college right now, every person has there own opinion about this subject but mine is that im enjoying everthing even the school work! which is suprising to me, since i really hated school related work during high school and now im enjoying it in college which is 10 times harder and about 10 times more reading then i ever had to do in my life. But its like what Ralph Waldo Emerson once quoted." All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better. So its saying in teenager terms, that it doesnt hurt trying new things, new experiences will better a person in any possible way so just go out there and have fun and enjoy your life. In ending statements, college life has been a fun, experimental experience that not only better me as a person, but as an individual as well. i know my blog is probably boring to most people, but sorry i just wrote how i feel about my experience at college right now and hope to endure many more new things to come in this following year at Texas Lutheran
University. This is just one of many post that i have coming up in this year, but ill make sure to make the more adventurous and exciting in the coming up weeks doing my blogs.